Monday, December 3, 2018

Science-- Extra Credit Opportunity

There is an extra credit opportunity available in Science for the remainder of the semester, and many scholars have already taken it upon themselves to get started! If your scholar has not yet expressed interest in doing the extra credit for a boost in Science, I hope that you encourage them to do so.

If students track the weather for 10 consecutive days in any city of their choice, they will have the opportunity to earn a few extra credit points. The city can be any real city in the world that they would be able to gather accurate data for, but it must be the same city for all 10 recorded days. For additional extra credit, students may plot their data on a graph provided in class. Instructions for this extra credit assignment are outlined in the Science notebook.

Please note that all assignments are due on December 17. The last day to be able to start this project for successful completion would be this Friday, December 7, as students need to track the weather for ten days in a row.

If you have additional questions, please bring them to your student first, as the information given on a daily basis in class will be the most accurate and up-to-date. As always, I am available for any further questions as needed.

--Mrs. Conforti