Sunday, January 27, 2019

Week of January 28- February 1

Families of 4C,

There will be no Khan Academy this week (1/30)  or next week (2/6) in order to allow time for other lessons, as our geometry unit progresses quickly. Thank you for your understanding.

Grade reports will be sent on a bi-weekly basis for the remainder of the quarter. You can expect to see the next grade report after week 4.

Athletic Field Day will be this Friday, February 1. Students are to bring their lunches, and will eat in the classroom that day. There will not be any hot lunch provided on February 1. We will need a couple coolers with ice to hold drinks and snacks. If you are interested in lending your cooler with some ice to the cause, please visit the sign-up genius here:

This Week:

Writing: Students will continue their third major writing assignment on Endangered Species of animals. This will be an expository essay and will still be teacher-guided; however, students will have more freedom in outlining, constructing sentences, and choosing the information that goes into their essay.

History: History tests and quizzes will be open-note for the remainder of the school year. Since all tests and quizzes are open-note, spelling counts! As long as students take effective notes in class, they should have all the information they need for the exam. This week, students will continue their study of the American Revolution by learning about the Boston Tea Party and doing a group activity on Parliamentary Acts. On Friday, students will take their Unit Test on chapters 1-10.

Literature: In literature, students will continue reading Prince Caspian, reading chapters ten through twelve. Students can expect to have regular journal entries in their literature notebooks, summarizing each chapter as we read. The journal entries are included in the participation grade for literature.

Math: This week will be a busy week as we finish up our geometry unit. On Monday, students will learn about the radius and diameter of a circle, and will learn about the six geometric solid figures. On Tuesday, students will be tested on this concept. On Wednesday, students will learn area and perimeter of rectangles, and will be tested on this concept on Thursday, concluding our study of geometry. On Friday, we will begin learning about tenths and decimals, and students will take their first test on decimals the following Monday (2/4).

Poetry: Students will learn their newest poem for recitation, “Paul Revere’s Ride” this week.

Greek and Latin Roots: Students will learn Greek and Latin roots 61-63. The review check for this Wednesday will be over roots 58-60.

Science: In science, students will continue their study of geology. This week, students will learn about the formations of different types of mountains and geologic formations on the ocean floor. Throughout the week, students will be taking review quizzes for Chemistry (1/30), Electricity (1/31), and Life Sciences (2/1).

Spalding: This week, students will be studying their next 29 words, secret ----- volume. We will typically study 30 words every week; however, this is subject to change by a word or two from week to week depending on word groupings. A family member should dictate the words to the student each night for homework. Students will review words on Thursday and take the final test on Friday.

--Mrs. Conforti